mukaan säätöalue on 13 - 17V ja oletusarvo on 14.1V
Ulkoisen säätimen käyttöä on ohjeistettu niin, että lähtöjännite säädetään tappiin eli 17V ja säätimen pitäisi olla diversion style regulator eli ohjaus, joka kytkee kuormaksi joko akun tai keinokuorman. Erityisesti vapaata kuormittamatonta käyttöä ei suositella ja solar-säätimet toimivat usein ilman keinokuormaa.
USING AN ALTERNATE CHARGE CONTROLLER There are some conditions under which the AIR wind turbine’s internal regulator is not optimal as the primary regulator and instead an external diversion load controller can be substituted. These conditions include: • Systems where battery temperature varies widely: Battery charge efficiency varies in extreme temperatures. If these conditions exist, use an external regulator with a temperature compensation sensor to optimize the charge rate. • Batteries that are extremely sensitive to charge voltage: Follow the recommendations of the battery manufacturer. For most batteries the turbine’s internal voltage regulator is adequate. However, the most conservative approach is the use of a diversion load controller due to 3 stage charging. • Multiple turbine installations with a bus system will typically function best using a single voltage regulator (i.e. diversion load controller) close to the battery bank. This is particularly true if the wire lengths connecting each turbine to the bus vary by distance or wire gauge. Without a diversion load controller, multiple turbines may shift into battery regulation at slightly different times due to line loss differences, etc.
The turbine’s internal voltage regulator cannot be completely turned off. However, by setting the voltage regulation set-point to its highest value the internal regulator is virtually nullified. If an external charge controller is utilized, it must be a diversion style regulator which diverts the excess power to a resistive load. IMPORTANT: Do not use a pulse width modulated (PWM), maximum power point tracking (MPPT) or shunt style controller (other than as diversion load controller). The AIR wind turbine is not designed to work with these types of controllers where the controller is wired between the wind turbine and the battery bank. Additionally, most controllers designed to work with solar panels are not suitable for use with the AIR wind turbine. These controllers “disconnect” the solar panels – or in this case the AIR - from the battery bank when the batteries are charged, allowing the turbine to spin free, which is not recommended.
Mulla on tuuliruuvissa tämä 58V rajoitin
Jos saman haluaisi kopioida pienemmälle jännitteelle niin ensiksi pitäisi valita pienempijännitteinen TVS-diodi esim 12V. Lisäksi transistoreiden biasvirrat vaatisivat ehkä vähän vastusarvojen hienosäätöä.